Monday, March 24, 2008

Next Up In The Main Street Parade...The Subaru WRX!

Since Subaru has clearly tried to make the 2008 WRX more family friendly than its predecessors, I suggest that they call up Disney and try to get it showcased on an episode of Rolie Polie Olie.

Seriously, can you imagine a more perfect car for this cartoon? If you can,'re wrong, so let me explain. In a previous post on the 2008 WRX STi, I discussed its tendencies to roll over like a well trained Maltese during numerically impressive but visually appalling slalom runs. I then alluded to its lesser brother as being even less aesthetically respectable in the slalom, but never backed up my criticism of the WRX (non-STi) with video evidence. Sure, you took my word for it as would be prudent, but as a thank you of sorts for continuing to read this blog that makes up for its lack of a fan base with its persistent self-proclamations of genius, here's a link to a video that will prove itself unnecessary given the utter objectivity of my subjective opinion.

(Warning: You are about to listen to the most annoying show host of all time. If I were you, I'd skip to the slalom footage that begins roughly 3:10 into the video.)

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